Uwe Big ego
Big mouth
B i g  h e a r t
B i g  l o s s
f o r  u s
Meyer Photographer
Hand walker

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Un de mes bons amis d'ici, un photographe et kayakeur est mort noyé hier (15 nov. 98) dans la rivière Capilano.
Il aimait faire du kayak dans des conditions extrêmes, car il était un expert bien sûr.
Cette fois-ci il n'a pas pu s'en sortir. La rivière gonflée et déchaînée par la pluie des derniers jours a pris la vie de mon ami. L'autre kayaker qui l'accompagnait, a réussi lui, à s'accrocher à la rive.
Certains se gavent de plaisir à se dépasser, quelques-uns trépassent, un Michel Trudeau, un Uwe Meyer...
Triste journée.
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Leave a message 
that you want to share.
A story fun or sad. 


Memories and stories  

Souvenir pictures for sale 

Wilderness commitee, Uwe Meyer Memorial fund 

December 6, 98 

A celebration of life for our Wreck Beach ambassador Laying of the wreath, lighting of candle and joss stick, and remembrance...

An eagle swooped low over us as we were sending his wreath 
out to sea yesterday - a most unusual event. I like to think 
that this was Uwe's spirit, telling us that he is at peace. 
Ralph McGreevy 

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He was proud of himself and was encouraging other to do the same.  Kayaking was his fatal passion The Province Nov. 18, 98 

A good fight, with a catastrophic ending. 

  • I liked the guy 
  • I disliked the guy 
  • He was a bugger 
  • He was funny 
  • All of the above 
And yes I'll miss him he was all of the above but he was also fair to deal with an odd combination was he but a good friend. 


  • None of the above and everything of the above !
When you have a friend, it does not matter if you like him or dislike him or whatever, ecause he is your friend no matter what. 
So long my friend.I already miss you 


  I just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear about your leaving this world. Vancouver will not be the same place without you my friend. However you left an amazing body of work in your wake which will continue to promote the things you believed in. You should be proud of this fact. I hope you are now in an exciting new place enjoying even more frontiers! I know you'd like to tell me all about them too! 
We'll see you again some time in the future! Bye for now! 

Patricia Bullen

  • I liked the guy
  • He was funny
 My statements are from the point of view of an Executive member of the Whitewater Kayaking Association of B.C.and a long time friend.

Uwe's disregard for the normal safety guidelines recommended by the Association caused many of us some uncomfortable experiences. At one point the Executive had decided to eject him from the Association criticised  their policy which was to draw a circle and keep him out. I suggested in effect drawing a circle and keeping him in where we could hopefully influence his behavior.  My policy was accepted and I was, I believe, able to influence his behaviour to some extent.

As a result of my interest in safety, Uwe followed up on a suggestion originally proposed by Don Jamieson and Uwe developed and marketed the Rescue Belt.  This piece of safety equipment has been widely used and accepted as a valuable aid in rescuing paddlers in many difficult circumstances.

My regret regarding our relationsip is that had it continued at its original level, my influence might have prevented the circumstances which led to Uwe's losing is life.

Brian Creer


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Created and maintained by Michel Gascon
Site Copyright by Michel Gascon
Pictures copyright by their author
Dec. 9,  2001